Precision agriculture to optimize irrigation and save water

The goal of Precision farming is to improve agricultural yield, save water through irrigation monitoring and reduce potential environmental risks, while benefits are: Monitor the soil and plant physicochemical parameters: by placing sensors (electrical conductivity, nitrates, temperature, evapotranspiration, radiation, leaf, and soil moisture, etc.) using AI, ML, IoT, and drones.

"In collaboration with Activa Proyectos Tech S.L., Madrid, Spain"

Plantae® is a wireless technology focused on professional agriculture and gardening that allows you to configure a deficit irrigation in your crops increasing productivity through humidity, temperature and other parameters sensors.

Botanical Garden

Installation in the Montjuic Botanical Garden of Barcelona.


180 ha of vineyard with drip irrigation system in Socuéllamos, Ciudad Real.


20 ha Paraguayan farm with drip irrigation in Mazarrón, Murcia.


Farm in Santa Cruz de Tenerife of 4 ha with drip-watered banana plants.


Farm of 500 ha of super intensive olive tree divided into 60 irrigation sectors.


Bonsai nursery in Madrid with control of several parameters for the development of the trees.

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